'Springfields' reserves the right to compel parents to withdraw their children if their progress in studies is unsatisfactory or if the attendance is irregular or if their conduct is harmful to other children.
A 'Transfer Certificate' will be given only to those students who have fully cleared the dues.
The parents who wish to withdraw their children from the school, have to submit an application to that effect. In case, the student is withdrawn in the middle of the session, that is before completing 6 months in the regular course of study, a minimum of 6 months fees will have to be paid.
Should the parents of their own accord decide against sending their child to the school, after they have deposited the admission fee and other fees with the school, they are not entitled to a refund of either the admission fee or other fees.
Should the parents wish to withdraw their child at any time they must inform the Principal at least a month before, in writing, giving notice of their intention to do so.
The Principal may, at any time, without assigning any reasons, require a parent or guardian to withdraw his/her child from the school if the Principal considers it in the interests of the school.