Payment of Fees
The school fees is charged for complete 12 months in one academic session. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. No amount of fee is refundable.
A student being withdrawn at any time during the session is liable to pay the full fees for the entire session.
The fees is to be paid in 4 (Four) quarterly instalments as per the Fee- Rules given in the Fee-Booklet. Timings: (Summers) : 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (Winters) : 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
The fees is to be paid regularly, schedule-wise. In case of default, a fine of Rs. 10/- per day, after the last date for deposit of fees, is levied. The fine levied on account of default is not waived under any circumstances.
If the fees is not paid by the cut-off date, the defaulter’s name is struck-off from the school rolls.
Part-payment of fees is not permitted.
Students are not allowed to sit for the Half-Yearly or Annual Examinations unless their fees have been paid in full before the commencement of the respective examination.
In case a student’s name is struck-off from the school rolls on account of default, the student is re-admitted only on the payment of the re-admission charges, which are equivalent to the original admission fee. Rights for re-admission are totally reserved with the Principal.
Fresh Fee-Booklet is issued only against payment.
Fixation Of Fees
The school does not charge capitation fee or accept donations for the purpose of admission of students.
All fees is charged as per the provision laid down by the State Government.
The fees is fixed keeping in view the facilities offered in the school.
The school fee is fixed as per the provisions of the 'Uttar Pradesh Self-Financed Independent Schools (Fixation of Fees) Act, 2018'.